Peer-reviewed publications
23. Krause, K., Lee, J. K., Lee, CH., Shafaque, H., Kim, P., Fahy, K. F., Shrestha, P., LaManna, J. M., Baltic, E., Jacobson, D. L., Hussey, D. S., Bazylak, A., “Electrolyte Layer Gas Triggers Cathode Potential Instability in CO2 Electrolyzers”. J. Power Sources. 520, 230879. doi:
22. Shafaque, H. W., Lee, J. K., Krause, K., Lee, CH., Fahy, K. F., Shrestha, P., Balakrishnan, M., Bazylak, A., (2021) “Temperature enhances the ohmic and mass transport behaviour in membrane electrode assembly carbon dioxide electrolyzers.” Energy Convers. Manage., 243, 114302. doi:
21. Krause, K., Lee, CH., Lee, J. K., Fahy, K. F., Shafaque, H. W., Kim, P. J., Shrestha, P., Bazylak A. (2021) “Gas evolution drives unstable cathode potential in alkaline flow cells for CO2 electroreduction” ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 9, 16, 5570–5579. doi:
20. Kim, P., Lee, J.K., Lee, CH., Fahy, K.F., Shrestha, P., Krause, K., Shafaque, H.W., Bazylak, A. (2021) “Tailoring catalyst layer interface with titanium mesh porous transport layers.” Electrochim. Acta, 373, 137879. doi:
19. Balakrishnan, M., Shrestha, P., Lee, CH., Ge, N., Fahy, K.F., Messerschmidt, M., Scholta, J., Eifert, L., Maibach, J., Zeis, R., Hatton, B.D., Bazylak, A. “Degradation Characteristics of Electrospun Gas Diffusion Layers for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells.” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 13 (2), 2414-2427. doi:
18. Shrestha, P., Lee, CH., Fahy, K.F., Balakrishnan, M., Ge, N., Bazylak, A. “Formation of Liquid Water Pathways in PEM Fuel Cells: a 3-D Pore-scale Perspective.” J. Electrochem. Soc. Focus Issue: Heterogeneous Functional Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage. 167, 054516. doi:
17. Balakrishnan, M., Shrestha, P., Ge, N., Lee, CH., Fahy, K.F., Zeis, R., Schulz, V.P., Hatton, B., Bazylak, A. “Designing Tailored Gas Diffusion Layers with Pore Size Gradients via Electrospinning for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells.” ACS Applied Energy Materials. 3(3), 2695-2707. doi:
16. Ge, N., Shrestha, P., Balakrishnan, M., Ouellette, D., Wong, A.K.C., Liu, H., Lee, CH., Lee, J.K., Bazylak, A. (2019) “Resolving the gas diffusion layer substrate land and channel region contributions to the oxygen transport resistance of a partially-saturated substrate.” Electrochim. Acta, 328, 135001.
15. Ge, N., Chevalier, S., Muirhead, D., Banerjee, R., Lee, J., Liu, H., Shrestha, P., Fahy, K., Lee, CH., Aoki, T., Tabuchi, Y., Bazylak, A. (2019) “Detecting cathode corrosion in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells in dead-ended anode mode via alternating current impedance.” J. Power Sources, 439, 227089.
14. Shrestha, P., Ouellette, D., Lee, J., Wong, A.K.C., Muirhead, D., Liu, H., Banerjee, R., Bazylak, A. (2019) “Graded microporous layers for enhanced capillary-driven liquid water removal in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells.” Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 6(21), 1901157.
13. Ge, N., Banerjee, R., Muirhead, D., Lee, J., Liu, H., Shrestha, P., Wong, A.K., Jankovic, J., Tam, M., Susac, D., Stumper, J., Bazylak, A. (2019) “Membrane dehydration with increasing current density at high inlet gas relative humidity in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells.” J. Power Sources, 422, 163-174.
12. Wong, A.K.C., Ge, N., Shrestha, P., Liu, H., Fahy, K., Bazylak, A. (2019) “Polytetrafluoroethylene content in standalone microporous layers: Tradeoff between membrane hydration and mass transport losses in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Appl. Energy, 240, 549-560.
11. Shrestha, P., Banerjee, R., Lee, J., Ge, N., Muirhead, D., Liu, H., Wong, A.K., Ouellette, D., Zhao, B., Bazylak, A., “Hydrophilic microporous layer coatings for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells operating without anode humidification.” J. Power Sources, 402, 468-482.
10. Muirhead, D., Banerjee, R., George, M.G., Ge, N., Shrestha, P., Liu, H., Lee, J., Bazylak, A. (2018) “Liquid water saturation and oxygen transport resistance in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell gas diffusion layers.” Electrochim. Acta, 274, 250-265.
9. Banerjee, R., Ge, N., Han, C., Lee, J., George, M.G., Liu, H., Muirhead, D., Shrestha, P., Bazylak, A. (2018) “Identifying in operando changes in membrane hydration in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells using synchrotron X-ray radiography.” Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 43, 9757-9769.
8. Liu, H., George, M.G., Ge, N., Muirhead, D., Shrestha, P., Lee, J., Banerjee, R., Zeis, R., Messerschmidt, M., Scholta, J., Krolla, P., Bazylak, A. (2018) “Microporous layer degradation in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells.” J. Electrochem. Soc. for the Focus Issue, “Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Durability”, 165(6), F3271-F3280.
7. Lee, J., Banerjee, R., George, M.G., Muirhead, D., Shrestha, P., Liu, H., Ge, N., Chevalier, S., Bazylak, A. (2017) “Multiwall carbon nanotube-based microporous layers for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells.” J. Electrochem. Soc., 164(12), F1149-F1157.
6. George, M.G., Liu, H., Muirhead, D., Banerjee, R., Ge, N., Shrestha, P., Lee, J., Chevalier, S., Hinebaugh, J., Messerschmidt, M., Zeis, R., Scholta, J., Bazylak, A. (2017) “Accelerated Degradation of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Gas Diffusion Layers Part 3: Mass Transport Resistance and Liquid Water Accumulation at Limiting Current Density with in operando Synchrotron X-ray Radiography.” J. Electrochem. Soc., 164(7), F714-F721.
5. Liu, H., George, M.G., Banerjee, R., Ge, N., Lee, J., Muirhead, D., Shrestha, P., Chevalier, S., Hinebaugh, J., Zeis, R., Messerschmidt, M., Scholta, J., Bazylak, A. (2017) “Accelerated Degradation of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Gas Diffusion Layers: Part 2 – Steady State Liquid Water Distributions with in Operando Synchrotron X-ray Radiography.” J. Electrochem. Soc., 164(7), F704-F713.
4. Chevalier, S., Ge, N., Lee, J., George, M.G., Liu, H., Shrestha, P., Muirhead, D., Lavielle, N., Hatton, B.D., Bazylak, A. (2017) “Novel electrospun gas diffusion layers for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells: Part II. In operando synchrotron imaging for microscale liquid water transport characterization.” J. Power Sources, 352, 281-290.
3. Banerjee, R., Ge, N., Lee, J., George, M.G., Chevalier, S., Liu, H., Shrestha, P., Muirhead, D., Bazylak, A. (2017) “Transient liquid water distributions in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell gas diffusion layers observed through in-operando synchrotron X-ray radiography” J. Electrochem. Soc., 164(2), F154-F162.
2. Chevalier, S., Ge, N., George, M.G., Lee, J., Banerjee, R., Liu, H., Shrestha, P., Muirhead, D., Hinebaugh, J., Tabuchi, Y., Kotaka, T., Bazylak, A. (2016) “Synchrotron X-ray radiography as a highly precise and accurate method for measuring the spatial distribution of liquid water in operating PEM fuel cells.” J. Electrochem. Soc., 164(2), F107-F114.
1. Shrestha, P. (2013). Energy Storage Using Phase Change Materials. The Arbutus Review (Online), 4(1).
22. Shafaque, H. W., Lee, J. K., Krause, K., Lee, CH., Fahy, K. F., Shrestha, P., Balakrishnan, M., Bazylak, A., (2021) “Temperature enhances the ohmic and mass transport behaviour in membrane electrode assembly carbon dioxide electrolyzers.” Energy Convers. Manage., 243, 114302. doi:
21. Krause, K., Lee, CH., Lee, J. K., Fahy, K. F., Shafaque, H. W., Kim, P. J., Shrestha, P., Bazylak A. (2021) “Gas evolution drives unstable cathode potential in alkaline flow cells for CO2 electroreduction” ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 9, 16, 5570–5579. doi:
20. Kim, P., Lee, J.K., Lee, CH., Fahy, K.F., Shrestha, P., Krause, K., Shafaque, H.W., Bazylak, A. (2021) “Tailoring catalyst layer interface with titanium mesh porous transport layers.” Electrochim. Acta, 373, 137879. doi:
19. Balakrishnan, M., Shrestha, P., Lee, CH., Ge, N., Fahy, K.F., Messerschmidt, M., Scholta, J., Eifert, L., Maibach, J., Zeis, R., Hatton, B.D., Bazylak, A. “Degradation Characteristics of Electrospun Gas Diffusion Layers for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells.” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 13 (2), 2414-2427. doi:
18. Shrestha, P., Lee, CH., Fahy, K.F., Balakrishnan, M., Ge, N., Bazylak, A. “Formation of Liquid Water Pathways in PEM Fuel Cells: a 3-D Pore-scale Perspective.” J. Electrochem. Soc. Focus Issue: Heterogeneous Functional Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage. 167, 054516. doi:
17. Balakrishnan, M., Shrestha, P., Ge, N., Lee, CH., Fahy, K.F., Zeis, R., Schulz, V.P., Hatton, B., Bazylak, A. “Designing Tailored Gas Diffusion Layers with Pore Size Gradients via Electrospinning for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells.” ACS Applied Energy Materials. 3(3), 2695-2707. doi:
16. Ge, N., Shrestha, P., Balakrishnan, M., Ouellette, D., Wong, A.K.C., Liu, H., Lee, CH., Lee, J.K., Bazylak, A. (2019) “Resolving the gas diffusion layer substrate land and channel region contributions to the oxygen transport resistance of a partially-saturated substrate.” Electrochim. Acta, 328, 135001.
15. Ge, N., Chevalier, S., Muirhead, D., Banerjee, R., Lee, J., Liu, H., Shrestha, P., Fahy, K., Lee, CH., Aoki, T., Tabuchi, Y., Bazylak, A. (2019) “Detecting cathode corrosion in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells in dead-ended anode mode via alternating current impedance.” J. Power Sources, 439, 227089.
14. Shrestha, P., Ouellette, D., Lee, J., Wong, A.K.C., Muirhead, D., Liu, H., Banerjee, R., Bazylak, A. (2019) “Graded microporous layers for enhanced capillary-driven liquid water removal in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells.” Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 6(21), 1901157.
13. Ge, N., Banerjee, R., Muirhead, D., Lee, J., Liu, H., Shrestha, P., Wong, A.K., Jankovic, J., Tam, M., Susac, D., Stumper, J., Bazylak, A. (2019) “Membrane dehydration with increasing current density at high inlet gas relative humidity in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells.” J. Power Sources, 422, 163-174.
12. Wong, A.K.C., Ge, N., Shrestha, P., Liu, H., Fahy, K., Bazylak, A. (2019) “Polytetrafluoroethylene content in standalone microporous layers: Tradeoff between membrane hydration and mass transport losses in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Appl. Energy, 240, 549-560.
11. Shrestha, P., Banerjee, R., Lee, J., Ge, N., Muirhead, D., Liu, H., Wong, A.K., Ouellette, D., Zhao, B., Bazylak, A., “Hydrophilic microporous layer coatings for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells operating without anode humidification.” J. Power Sources, 402, 468-482.
10. Muirhead, D., Banerjee, R., George, M.G., Ge, N., Shrestha, P., Liu, H., Lee, J., Bazylak, A. (2018) “Liquid water saturation and oxygen transport resistance in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell gas diffusion layers.” Electrochim. Acta, 274, 250-265.
9. Banerjee, R., Ge, N., Han, C., Lee, J., George, M.G., Liu, H., Muirhead, D., Shrestha, P., Bazylak, A. (2018) “Identifying in operando changes in membrane hydration in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells using synchrotron X-ray radiography.” Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 43, 9757-9769.
8. Liu, H., George, M.G., Ge, N., Muirhead, D., Shrestha, P., Lee, J., Banerjee, R., Zeis, R., Messerschmidt, M., Scholta, J., Krolla, P., Bazylak, A. (2018) “Microporous layer degradation in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells.” J. Electrochem. Soc. for the Focus Issue, “Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Durability”, 165(6), F3271-F3280.
7. Lee, J., Banerjee, R., George, M.G., Muirhead, D., Shrestha, P., Liu, H., Ge, N., Chevalier, S., Bazylak, A. (2017) “Multiwall carbon nanotube-based microporous layers for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells.” J. Electrochem. Soc., 164(12), F1149-F1157.
6. George, M.G., Liu, H., Muirhead, D., Banerjee, R., Ge, N., Shrestha, P., Lee, J., Chevalier, S., Hinebaugh, J., Messerschmidt, M., Zeis, R., Scholta, J., Bazylak, A. (2017) “Accelerated Degradation of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Gas Diffusion Layers Part 3: Mass Transport Resistance and Liquid Water Accumulation at Limiting Current Density with in operando Synchrotron X-ray Radiography.” J. Electrochem. Soc., 164(7), F714-F721.
5. Liu, H., George, M.G., Banerjee, R., Ge, N., Lee, J., Muirhead, D., Shrestha, P., Chevalier, S., Hinebaugh, J., Zeis, R., Messerschmidt, M., Scholta, J., Bazylak, A. (2017) “Accelerated Degradation of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Gas Diffusion Layers: Part 2 – Steady State Liquid Water Distributions with in Operando Synchrotron X-ray Radiography.” J. Electrochem. Soc., 164(7), F704-F713.
4. Chevalier, S., Ge, N., Lee, J., George, M.G., Liu, H., Shrestha, P., Muirhead, D., Lavielle, N., Hatton, B.D., Bazylak, A. (2017) “Novel electrospun gas diffusion layers for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells: Part II. In operando synchrotron imaging for microscale liquid water transport characterization.” J. Power Sources, 352, 281-290.
3. Banerjee, R., Ge, N., Lee, J., George, M.G., Chevalier, S., Liu, H., Shrestha, P., Muirhead, D., Bazylak, A. (2017) “Transient liquid water distributions in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell gas diffusion layers observed through in-operando synchrotron X-ray radiography” J. Electrochem. Soc., 164(2), F154-F162.
2. Chevalier, S., Ge, N., George, M.G., Lee, J., Banerjee, R., Liu, H., Shrestha, P., Muirhead, D., Hinebaugh, J., Tabuchi, Y., Kotaka, T., Bazylak, A. (2016) “Synchrotron X-ray radiography as a highly precise and accurate method for measuring the spatial distribution of liquid water in operating PEM fuel cells.” J. Electrochem. Soc., 164(2), F107-F114.
1. Shrestha, P. (2013). Energy Storage Using Phase Change Materials. The Arbutus Review (Online), 4(1).
Conference proceedings and presentations
5. Shrestha, P., LaManna, J. M., Fahy, K. F., Kim, P., Lee, CH., Lee, J. K., Baltic, E., Jacobson, D. L., Hussey, D. S., Bazylak, A., “Probing heterogeneous water distributions within fuel cell membranes using combined neutron and X-ray tomography (NeXT)” in 242nd Electrochemical Society meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2022 (Abstract accepted for presentation).
4. Shrestha, P., Lee, CH., Fahy, K. H., Balakrishnan, M., Ge, N., Bazylak, A. “Pore-scale Liquid Water Visualization for Understanding Water Transport in Operating Fuel Cells” in 236th Electrochemical Society meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2019 (Paper accepted for presentation).
3. Ge, N., Shrestha, P., Bazylak, A. “Determining the impacts of the spatial distribution of water on oxygen transport in a PEM fuel cell substrate” in CSME-CFDSC Congress, London, ON, 2019.
2. Shrestha, P. “Graded polytetrafluoroethylene in fuel cell microporous layers for enhanced liquid water removal” in 9th annual MIE Graduate Research Symposium, Toronto, ON, 2018 (3rd place oral presentation).
1. Shrestha, P., Banerjee, R., Lee, J., Bazylak, A. “Hydrophilic Microporous Layer Coatings for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells” in International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer, Toronto, ON, 2017 (Paper accepted for presentation).
4. Shrestha, P., Lee, CH., Fahy, K. H., Balakrishnan, M., Ge, N., Bazylak, A. “Pore-scale Liquid Water Visualization for Understanding Water Transport in Operating Fuel Cells” in 236th Electrochemical Society meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2019 (Paper accepted for presentation).
3. Ge, N., Shrestha, P., Bazylak, A. “Determining the impacts of the spatial distribution of water on oxygen transport in a PEM fuel cell substrate” in CSME-CFDSC Congress, London, ON, 2019.
2. Shrestha, P. “Graded polytetrafluoroethylene in fuel cell microporous layers for enhanced liquid water removal” in 9th annual MIE Graduate Research Symposium, Toronto, ON, 2018 (3rd place oral presentation).
1. Shrestha, P., Banerjee, R., Lee, J., Bazylak, A. “Hydrophilic Microporous Layer Coatings for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells” in International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer, Toronto, ON, 2017 (Paper accepted for presentation).
Invited lectures
4. Shrestha, P., “Revealing inner workings of fuel cells using advanced imaging techniques” in Engineering Science Option Seminar ECS 301, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Oct. 20, 2021.
3. Shrestha, P., “Understanding fuel cells: basic workings and role of water” in Thermal Energy Conversion MIE 311, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Apr. 12, 2021.
2. Shrestha, P., “Peering into a fuel cell: basic workings and role of water” in Thermal Energy Conversion MIE 311, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Nov. 25, 2020.
1. Shrestha, P., “Finding water in PEM fuel cells using high intensity X-rays” in Engineering Science Option Seminar ECS 301, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Sept. 25, 2019.
3. Shrestha, P., “Understanding fuel cells: basic workings and role of water” in Thermal Energy Conversion MIE 311, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Apr. 12, 2021.
2. Shrestha, P., “Peering into a fuel cell: basic workings and role of water” in Thermal Energy Conversion MIE 311, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Nov. 25, 2020.
1. Shrestha, P., “Finding water in PEM fuel cells using high intensity X-rays” in Engineering Science Option Seminar ECS 301, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Sept. 25, 2019.
2. Dechev, N., Coutts, J., Shrestha, P., Brussow, D., Peirone, M., Christie, K., Treble, M., Chan, A., Richards, M. and Knowlton, R. (2016). Prosthetic wrist. U.S. Patent Application No. 17/328,584, filed September 9, 2021
1. Dechev, N., Coutts, J., Shrestha, P., Brussow, D., Peirone, M., Christie, K., Treble, M., Chan, A., Richards, M. and Knowlton, R. (2021). Custom fitted body powered prosthetic upper limb manufactured by 3d printing. U.S. Patent 11,013,620 U.S. Patent No. 11,013,620.
1. Dechev, N., Coutts, J., Shrestha, P., Brussow, D., Peirone, M., Christie, K., Treble, M., Chan, A., Richards, M. and Knowlton, R. (2021). Custom fitted body powered prosthetic upper limb manufactured by 3d printing. U.S. Patent 11,013,620 U.S. Patent No. 11,013,620.
6. Parmar, H., Guan, R., Shrestha, P., Bazylak, A., “Enhancing PEM fuel cell water management using optimized flow field channels” in Gordon Research Conference Fuel Cells, Smithfield, RI, 2022.
5. Shrestha, P., LaManna, J. M., Fahy, K. F., Kim, P., Lee, CH., Lee, J. K., Baltic, E., Jacobson, D. L., Hussey, D. S., Bazylak, A., “High-contrast dual-modality operando microscopy of fuel cells using neutron and X-ray tomography (NeXT)” inGordon Research Conference Fuel Cells, Smithfield, RI, 2022.
4. Shrestha, P., Lee, CH., Fahy, K. F., Balakrishnan, M., Ge, N., Bazylak, A. (2020, January). Formation of liquid water pathways in PEM fuel cells: 3-D pore-scale insights. Poster presented at the Institute for Sustainable Energy Symposium Symposium, University of Toronto, Toronto.
3. Shrestha, P., Bazylak, A. (2016, June). Custom PEM Fuel Cell Microporous Layers for Low Humidity Operation. Poster presented at the 7th Annual Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Graduate Research Symposium, University of Toronto, Toronto.
2. Shrestha, P., Bazylak, A. (2016, May). Custom PEM Fuel Cell Microporous Layers for Low Humidity Operation. Poster presented at the CLS 19th Annual Users' Meeting, Canadian Light Source, Saskatoon.
1. Shrestha, P., Etrati, A., Bhiladvala, R. (2013, March). Let There Be Light: An Energy Solution, Low-Temperature Solar and Building Energy Storage Using Phase Change Materials. Poster presented at the Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awards Fair, University of Victoria, Victoria.
5. Shrestha, P., LaManna, J. M., Fahy, K. F., Kim, P., Lee, CH., Lee, J. K., Baltic, E., Jacobson, D. L., Hussey, D. S., Bazylak, A., “High-contrast dual-modality operando microscopy of fuel cells using neutron and X-ray tomography (NeXT)” inGordon Research Conference Fuel Cells, Smithfield, RI, 2022.
4. Shrestha, P., Lee, CH., Fahy, K. F., Balakrishnan, M., Ge, N., Bazylak, A. (2020, January). Formation of liquid water pathways in PEM fuel cells: 3-D pore-scale insights. Poster presented at the Institute for Sustainable Energy Symposium Symposium, University of Toronto, Toronto.
3. Shrestha, P., Bazylak, A. (2016, June). Custom PEM Fuel Cell Microporous Layers for Low Humidity Operation. Poster presented at the 7th Annual Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Graduate Research Symposium, University of Toronto, Toronto.
2. Shrestha, P., Bazylak, A. (2016, May). Custom PEM Fuel Cell Microporous Layers for Low Humidity Operation. Poster presented at the CLS 19th Annual Users' Meeting, Canadian Light Source, Saskatoon.
1. Shrestha, P., Etrati, A., Bhiladvala, R. (2013, March). Let There Be Light: An Energy Solution, Low-Temperature Solar and Building Energy Storage Using Phase Change Materials. Poster presented at the Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awards Fair, University of Victoria, Victoria.